The Five Sub-Indexes of the ADCI
Economic Index — a measure of one’s satisfaction, freedom, and progress with respect to finances, job, home ownership and health care.
Well-Being Index — a measure of the extent of one’s contentment, health and prosperity in life.
Societal Index — a measure of the extent to which the government, businesses, and people are fair and trustworthy.
Diversity Index — a measure of the attitudes toward assimilation of differences.
Environmental Index — a measure of the extent of pollution in the air, food, water and land one encounters on a regular basis.
Data gathered calendar year 2012 was compiled and presented in the 2012 American Dream State Ranking Report. (Download the full report.)
The state ranked as #1 by residents as “Living the American Dream” is Montana. That’s no surprise to many Montana residents who have always known that the Treasure State is truly a hidden gem.
Other states ranked in the ADCI study include (in rank order 2 – 10): New Mexico, Idaho, District of Columbia, Virginia, Delaware, Colorado, Utah, Texas, Minnesota.
A second study that measures the “state of well-being” in given U.S. states, is the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index (WBI). This index is based on real-time well-being data collected from 1,000 interviews a day during calendar year 2012 across six sub-indices: Life Evaluation, Physical Health, Emotional Health, Healthy Behavior, Work Environment and Basic Access. Over a 5-year period, the WBI has gathered opinions from over 1.7 million respondents.
Results of the Well-Being Index also include Montana in the Top 10, this time ranked at #6 overall. Other states comprising the Top 10 in the WBI (in order 1 – 10) include: Hawaii, Colorado, Minnesota, Utah, Vermont, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Iowa and Massachusetts. For further results on this study, click here.
Overall, these two studies are consistent in conveying that Montanans are largely satisfied with their life in Montana. For those businesses looking to provide a desirable living environment for its employees, Montana should be placed high on the consideration list of potential expansion locations.
To assist with all your residential and commercial real estate needs — in Missoula and other major Montana cities — contact Real Estate Montana & Co. It would be our pleasure to be of service to you!